Child Abuse and Neglect in Uganda

David Kaawa-Mafigiri & Eddy Walakira - Makerere University Dept. of Social Work and Social Administration; Child Maltreatment: Contemporary Issues in Research and Policy

Child Abuse and Neglect in Uganda is a five-part volume exploring the research and theory surrounding child maltreatment, community and child protection, culturally specific forms of child maltreatment, child rights and justice for children, and responses to child maltreatment - all within the Ugandan context. 

From the Back Cover:

This book provides a unique perspective on addressing issues of various forms of violence against children from scholars within their own country. Bringing together cross-disciplinary expertise, this volume addresses a vast range of topics related to child abuse and neglect in Uganda.  

Exploring areas from the protection of street children to cultural proverbs related to child maltreatment, this volume examines issues both specific to the Ugandan contexts as well as broadly experienced in child maltreatment work in non-Euro-American countries. This book surveys the breadth of the child protection field, covering issues of children’s universal rights, challenges of protection and ethical quandaries in researching and addressing maltreatment.

For more information, or to view the e-book, please click the link above.