The Multi-Country Study on the Drivers of Violence Affecting Children: A Cross-Country Snapshot of Findings

Maternowska, M. C., A. Potts and D. Fry - UNICEF

This study is a snapshot of a multi-country study involving Italy, Peru, Viet Nam, and Zimbabwe of how individual characteristics, interpersonal relationships, and the communities in which people live interact with institutional drivers to increase or reduce a child’s risk of violence.

By examining the countries above through a multi-level socio-ecological framework, the study found that multiple drivers were interconnected.  It was found that structural drivers of violence were identified and included rapid socio-economic transformations accompanied by economic growth, as well as instability, poverty, migration and gender inequality. It was also found that  institutional drivers of violence, such as legal structures, ineffective child protection systems, weak school governance and harmful social and cultural norms serve to reinforce children’s vulnerabilities.  
