Direct Work with Sexually Exploited or At-Risk Children and Young People: A Rapid Evidence Assessment

Silvie Bovarnick, Sara Scott and Jenny Pearce - University of Bedfordshire, DMSS, Barnardo's


This review is intended to provide Barnardo’s with an overview of what ‘direct work’ with young people entails in the context of CSE. Part one explores the nature, types and contexts of direct work and gives an overview of the range of risks and vulnerabilities that direct work typically addresses. Part two focuses on the journey of direct work with young people in greater detail and outlines six core elements of direct interventions:

1. Engagement and relationship building

2. Support and stability

3. Providing advocacy

4. Reducing risks and building resilience

5. Addressing underlying issues

6. Enabling growth and moving on

The discussion of each component is informed by what we know from research evidence to work in direct interventions with young people. We also give some practice examples to illustrate effective models of direct work.

Part three provides a brief summary of the key features that underpin effective direct work with young people. 
