Newsletter of the European Coalition for Community Living

European Coalition for Community Living

Following on from our Focus Report on the Right of Children with Disabilities to Live in the Community, published in December 2006, this issue includes three articles relevant to questions of care for disabled children around the world:

Children and Young People With Disabilities in Residential Institutions in Greece - By Prof. John Tsiantis, APHCA

Prof. John Tsiantis points out that while within the Greek mental health system there have been successful moves towards developing community-based alternatives to institutional care there has been little improvement in the situation for people with physical and intellectual disabilities. It is estimated that there are around 6,000 disabled people (30% of whom are children and young people) in institutions in Greece. Drawing on his experience in implementing the “The Leros PIKPA Asylum Deinstitutionalisation and Rehabilitation Project”, Prof. Tsiantis highlights the need for the Greek government to take urgent action to implement a national deinstitutionalisation programme.

Prof. John Tsiantis points out that while within the Greek mental health system there have been successful moves towards developing community-based alternatives to institutional care there has been little improvement in the situation for people with physical and intellectual disabilities. It is estimated that there are around 6,000 disabled people (30% of whom are children and young people) in institutions in Greece. Drawing on his experience in implementing the “The Leros PIKPA Asylum Deinstitutionalisation and Rehabilitation Project”, Prof. Tsiantis highlights the need for the Greek government to take urgent action to implement a national deinstitutionalisation programme.

Children with Disability in the Nordic Countries - By Maarit Aalto, NSH - FDUV

Maarit Aalto’s article describes the model of care for children with disabilities used in the Nordic countries and highlights some examples of good practices in providing services for children with disabilities in the community, such as the Nordic Cooperation on Disability. 

It Has Been a Long Time Coming: UN Convention for the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Disabled People - By John Evans, ENIL

In his article on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, John Evans takes a closer look at its potential impact on the lives of people with disabilities and its relevance for community living of people with disabilities. The newly adopted UN Convention will become open for signature on 30 March 2007 at a ceremony in New York.

©European Coalition for Community Living
