Verification and Family Reunification

Separated and unaccompanied children are at a greater risk of abuse and exploitation, and are less likely to have their basic rights to health, education, and psychosocial well-being met. It is the responsibility of protection organisations and the government to ensure that such children are identified, documented, their circumstances assessed, and active efforts made to reunite them with their parents or normal guardians as quickly as possible.

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The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

This short video was designed for newly hired child protection in humanitarian action (CPHA) staff, as well as child protection staff who want to learn more about working in emergency settings - and the CPMS in particular.

Elaine Weisman & Fecility Sackville Northcott - International Social Service-USA & the Center on Immigration and Child Welfare,

This practice brief provides recommendations about best practices for ensuring that children and/or their caregivers facing deportation are provided with necessary pre-departure and reintegration services to support safe and sustainable return.

Nicolosi, S. - European Papers,

This paper aims to investigate the protection framework established by the Family Reunification Directive for refugees who are unaccompanied minors.

Child Protection Area of Responsibility, Protection and Education Clusters,

This technical note presents a conceptual framework for localisation in protection and education coordination. It includes a description of the role of coordinators and coordination groups in localization and examples of how localization can be integrated in the humanitarian program cycle.

Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights,

This issue paper examines family reunification for refugees as a pressing human rights issue, advising states to re-examine their laws, policies and practices relating to family reunification for refugees. 


Among the millions of children on the move worldwide, many – including hundreds of thousands of unaccompanied children and adolescents – undertake dangerous journeys. This report shows how the lack of safe and legal pathways for refugee and migrant children feeds a booming market for human smuggling and puts them at risk of violence, abuse and exploitation. Building on recent UNICEF policy proposals, it sets out ways that governments can better protect these vulnerable children.

Sarah Uppard and Lili Birnbaum - Inter-agency Working Group on Unaccompanied and Separated Children,

This handbook offers comprehensive practical guidance on working with unaccompanied and separated children (UASC) in emergency settings.

Sarah Uppard and Lili Birnbaum - Inter-agency Working Group on Unaccompanied and Separated Children,

The Toolkit on Unaccompanied and Separated Children compiles 56 tools for the use of practitioners working with unaccompanied and separated children (UASC).

Secretary-General on children and armed conflict in the Sudan - UN Security Council,

The present report was submitted to the UN Security Council Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict and focuses on the trends and patterns of the six categories of grave violations committed against children. 

Williamson, K., Gupta, P., Gillespie, L.A., Shannon, H. and Landis, D. – Oxfam,

This Evidence Brief provides an overview of the systematic review.