Exploring the Appropriateness of Institutionalized Care of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs) in the Era of HIV/AIDS: Examples from South Africa and Botswana

Dudzai Nyamutinga and S. M. Kang’ethe - Journal of Human Ecology


The present study aimed to evaluate and discuss the appropriateness of institutions caring for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs) in the face of HIV/AIDS through a systematic literature review. In the face of HIV/AIDS environment, OVC care institutions: offer a second best home; professionalize their services; provide mothering and attachment figures; and offer HIV/AIDS services. Further, they display the following gaps: The children suffer immense state of stigma; management and funding challenges; experience erratic and unreliable donations/supplies; and their caregivers display knowledge and skills gaps. The present research recommended antistigma community mobilization and sensitization; various forms of education starting with on the job training of the caregivers; education on care of children generally, HIV/AIDS testing, early HIV/AIDS diagnosis and disclosure by children, and counseling.
