BCN Newsletter 27 April 2013

Better Care Network

In this edition we report on the launch of the handbook, Moving Forward: Implementing the 'Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children' in New York.

We also highlight recent research, tools and policy briefs relevant to children's care, including:

  • Ethiopia: New research on understanding the impact of parental death on children at different life stages using the Young Lives longitudinal data.
  • Sibling relations in alternative care: a new report by SOS Children's Villages International with research findings, policy analysis and recommendations.
  • The World Bank and UNICEF have set out a common approach to building social protection systems, highlighting its relevance to children.
  • The ChildSafe Network has developed a useful tool to address 'orphan tourism'. 
  • Our Country Care Reviews continue with highlights on the Committee on the Rights of the Child's care related recommendations to Guyana, Malta, Guinea, Niue, and also relevant recommendations to the USA and the Philippines under the Optional Protocol to the CRC on the Sale of Children.  

And of course, we have the latest news, upcoming events, conferences, webinars and job opportunities! Questions? You can reach us at Thank you for your continual subscription and partnership in promoting positive and appropriate alternative care options for children!