
Displaying 431 - 440 of 14427

CAFO Research Center,

Are you working for a residential care organization that wants to move toward providing family care for children? The 2024 Moving Toward Family Solutions (MTFS) Micro-Grant Cohort may be a good fit for you. The MTFS Cohort is a one-year program developed to thoughtfully explore and prepare for the process of moving from residential care toward family-based care for children.

Tyreasa Washington, Mathieu Despard,

This study examined African American families who are providing informal kinship care in the U.S. with the aim of developing a nuanced understanding of the financial characteristics, challenges, and coping strategies of these families.

Nicholas Evans - The Imprint,

An alarming connection exists between residential care facilities, such as orphanages and children’s homes, and human trafficking. Orphanage trafficking occurs when children from vulnerable families are actively recruited into residential care for profit or other forms of exploitation within the orphanage. Often a child finder is hired by an orphanage to go out and recruit children through deception or coercion of family members. 

The Hague Conference on Private International Law – HCCH Permanent Bureau,

Este Conjunto de Herramientas está compuesto de las herramientas enumeradas a continuación, que pueden ser leídas de manera independiente o conjunta.

Melanie Moen, Cathrine Chiimba, Elsa Etokabeka,

Many young orphans in Zimbabwe grow up in residential care facilities, but according to governmental policies and literature in this field, these children should be transitioned to extended families to ensure optimal development. This article provides empirically derived insights to the inner experiences of the transition processes of five young orphans and their extended family members, two residential care administrators, and one social worker.

Fadzai Chikwava, Reinie Cordier, Anna Ferrante, Melissa O'Donnell, Eduwin Pakpahan,

The aim of this study was to examine whether different subtypes of homelessness risk exist among young people transitioning from care in Australia and whether these trajectories of homelessness are associated with mental health and substance use disorders.

Sarah C. Sutherland, Harry S. Shannon, David Ayuku, David L. Streiner, Olli Saarela, Lukoye Atwoli, Joseph Hogan, Paula Braitstein,

This longitudinal study uses a causal effect model to examine, through decomposition, the relationship between care environment and HIV risk factors in orphaned and separated adolescents and youths (OSAY) in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya; considering resilience, social, peer, or family support, volunteering, or having one’s material needs met as potential mediators. The authors analysed survey responses from 1105 OSAY age 10–26 living in Charitable Children’s Institutions (CCI) (orphanages) and family-based care settings (FBS).

VN Express International,

Many children in Vietnam who lost their parents to COVID aren't getting by as support from the outside world is unsustainable.

Norunn Hornset, Bård Smedsvik,

Norwegian youth in out-of-home care move three times as frequently as their peers. Such placement instability is linked to negative outcomes in terms of social attachment, well-being, educational achievements, health, and future opportunities. Norway implemented a new child welfare service reform in 2022 that increased the municipalities responsibilities for out-of-home care. This study evaluates how the implemented measures affect the number of moves within out-of-home care in Trøndelag county. Norway.

Judith Cashmore, Fred Wulczyn, Pathways of Care Longitudinal Study (POCLS Team),

The Pathways of Care Longitudinal Study (POCLS) is the first large-scale prospective longitudinal study of children and young people in out-of-home care in Australia. It includes a cohort of all 4126 children and young people (age 0 to 17 years) who entered out-of-home care for the first time over an 18-month period from May 2010 to October 2011 in New South Wales, with a focus on 2828 of these children with final court orders.