
Displaying 1201 - 1210 of 14428

ESARO Regional Learning Platform,

The government of Rwanda is in the final phases of its care reform program. Having reintegrated the majority of children from residential care back to families and communities, they are now working on the reintegration of children with disabilities. In this webinar, we hear from policymakers and practitioners on how this has been done and key lessons learned.

Nicola Smith, Khatia Shamanauri, Harriet Barber, Simon Townsley,

Over six decades, a million ‘orphans’ were shipped to the West from around the world. Now many are finding their past was a fabrication

Adeshola Ore - The Guardian,

One of Australia’s leading Indigenous child welfare advocates has told a Victorian truth-telling inquiry that permanent care orders and “racist” carers are severing links between some First Nations children and their culture.

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

This video by the Alliance for for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action details the three levels of prevention in child protection in humanitarian action.

Nicola Smith, Khatia Shamanauri, Harriet Barber - The Telegraph,

Over six decades, a million ‘orphans’ were shipped to the West from around the world. Now many are finding their past was a fabrication.

Hyun Lee, Eun Kyung Kim,

The goal of this global study was to first identify the global prevalence of child abuse by country or region and second to identify the factors that influenced child abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jack Latimore - The Age,

Child protection workers within the former Department of Health and Human Services were racist and disparaging towards the Aboriginal families and community-controlled organisation they were supposed to be working with to keep children safe, the Yoorrook Justice Commission has heard.

Ben Fergusson - BBC News,

Adopted children can face many challenges, such as the impact of early trauma. What can parents do to support them? Author and adoptive dad Ben Fergusson investigates.


This report highlights the recommendations and priorities that EU decision-makers and national governments can do to support the most vulnerable children and prevent widening inequalities. 

Dominique Soguel,

Official figures suggest that over 400 children have been killed and 850 wounded since Russia invaded its neighbor. Another 3,000 have been left without parental care for one reason or another, while about 100,000 minors have had to leave the institutions, such as internat boarding schools, many of which closed when the war began. With 702 boarding institutions as of early 2022, Ukraine held the largest number of children in institutional care in Europe before the war.