French Guiana

Displaying 331 - 340 of 14426

Halima Gikandi - The World,

Around the world, millions of children are growing up in orphanages, or children's homes as they are called in many places. But research has shown that the vast majority of them, actually have families.


A bill seeking to repeal Gambia's ban on female genital mutilation (FGM) was presented in the West African country's parliament on Monday and will be discussed by lawmakers later this month. Former president Yahya Jammeh banned the practice in 2015 and introduced steep fines and jail sentences for perpetrators.

Wenjing Shao, Fei Sun, Gretchen Sheneman, Michele Brock,

The purpose of this U.S.-based study was to examine two intervening variables, self-care and formal support that affect the relationship between children with behavioural issues and caregiver depression.

Julia Larock (Editor), Niels P. Rygaard (Editor), Uwe Gielen (Editor), Elaine P. Congress (Editor),

This book looks at major macro trends affecting children as well as interventions that have been used to address problems that children face. Topics that are addressed include the UN Convention on Children, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that support children, and development issues like pre and post-natal health, family systems, gender roles, and puberty/adolescent issues. Attention is given to major risk factors and challenges such as sex trafficking, child labor, street children, protecting children in congregate care, and violence against children in the home, in institutions, and in the community.

Tess Kelly, Alex Campbell, Jesse Young, Kate McLeod, Jacqueline Bhabha, Lindsay Pearce, Louise Southalan, Rohan Borschmann, Vijaya Ratnam Raman, Stuart Kinner,

The aim of the report is to identify gaps in the system and assist the United Nations Task Force (UNTF) in its efforts to support the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and ensure that all children, including those deprived of their liberty in all settings, achieve the highest attainable standard of health. This report has drawn on the expertise and insights of a broad group of collaborators including members of the United Nations Task Force on the Implementation of the Global Study on Children Deprived of their Liberty.

Ciprian Raul Romiţan - Scientia Moralitas Conference Proceedings,

In Romania, the right of adoptees to know their origins is enshrined in the Constitution and is regulated both in the Civil Code, adopted in 2011, and in special laws, which establish that adopted persons have the right to know their origins and their own past and, in this regard, are supported in their efforts to contact their natural parents or biological relatives.

Darren Maguire, Keziah May, David McCormack, Tim Fosker,

The current review synthesizes the literature regarding the impact of placement instability on behavioural and mental health outcomes in foster care children. Three major databases and grey literature sources were searched for all relevant quantitative research published by July 2019.


This is the monthly update of the Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Learning Platform published in February 2024. 


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This webinar draws on a consultation with the international attachment research community to propose an updating of the curriculum, incorporating the key consensus findings of contemporary research. This includes the implications for a child's development of their various attachment relationships, and the impact of poverty and socioeconomic stressors on caregiving and attachment.