
Displaying 12671 - 12680 of 14427

Nicky Stanley, Helen Austerberry, Andy Bilson, Nicola Farrelly, Shereen Hussein, Cath Larkins, Jill Manthorpe, Julie Ridley - Children and Youth Services Review,

This paper reports on the evaluation of an English experiment which, for the first time, moved statutory social work support for children and young people in out-of-home care from the public to the private or independent sector.

Republic of Moldova,

This document present the law on the special protection of children in need at risk and children separated from their parents for Moldova.

BOSCO National Research and Documentation Centre,

This study, a first of its kind in the country as far as we could ascertain, focuses on the foster care services provided by various organisations and institutions in India.

Stephen Ucembe,

Employing a life course perspective and drawing upon care leavers' stories, along with focus group discussions and views from staff, this paper explores the concept of social capital and the ways in which this influences their lives before care, in care and after care.

SOS Children’s Villages International,

This report presents findings from an assessment of Kenya's implementation of the UN Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children.

Save the Children,

The Psychological First Aid Training Manual for Child Practitioners (PFA) was developed by Save the Children Denmark for the Child Protection Initiative, to facilitate training in psychological first aid with a focus on children.

Benjamin Sylla, Carina Omoeva, Anne Smiley - FHI360,

This paper analyzes the extent to which official government “child vulnerability” indicators are associated with two important components of educational disadvantage: school enrollment and sixth grade learning outcomes in Uganda.

Save the Children Italy,

This is Save the Children's decalogue for child support in emergencies.

Save the Children,

This report, produced by the Center for Educational Research and Consulting (CERC) and Save the Children, summarises the broader research study ‘Development Perspectives of Foster Care in Armenia’, which examined the foster care pilot programme introduced in Armenia in 2005.

Mónica López, Iriana Santos, Amaia Bravo y Jorge F. del Valle - anales de psicología,

En este artículo se revisan diversas investigaciones de carácter nacional de España e internacional sobre los adolescentes que egresan del sistema de protección.