
Displaying 12681 - 12690 of 14427

Department of Probation and Child Care Services, Ministry of Women and Child Affairs,

The objective of this study was to provide basic information on the current situation of children under institutional care in the entire country of Sri Lanka, in order to identify the issues affecting those institutionalized children and to recommend plausible solutions.

Family for Every Child,

This document provides a conceptual framework for Family for Every Child, a global network of national civil society organisations working to mobilise knowledge, skills and resources to build a world where every child grows up in a permanent, safe and caring family, and to provide quality alternative care where needed.

David Tobis,

This book focuses on the lives of six mothers who had been pariahs and then became partners with child welfare commissioners, social workers, lawyers, foundation officers, and child welfare agency executives. It recounts how their courage and resilience brought about the most significant changes in the history of New York’s child welfare system.

Council of Europe December,

This guide is for people who work with children and young people in places of alternative care. It is intended to assist you in understanding and supporting the rights of children you work with.

Child Welfare Information Gateway - Children’s Bureau,

This document provides an overview of the benefits, costs, and practice implications for adoptions from foster care in the US.

National Council for Children's Services ,

The Child Protection System Guidelines were developed to address the fragmented response to child protection in Kenya and guide actors at the county level to deliver more coordinated and professional services for children and their families. 

Matthew Baek - Insight Systems Corporation and John Snow Inc.,

This infographic provides statistics on children globally. It then provides information as it relates to the six objectives of John Snow Inc.'s Knowledge Management Services in relation to Orphans and Vulnerable Children, including children living in institutions, HIV/AIDS, child sexual exploitation, and more. 

U.S. Department of State,

This document presents the data on intercountry adoptions to the United States in the Fiscal Year 2012, as per the U.S. State Department.

SOS Children’s Villages International,

This report from SOS Children’s Villages assesses Malawi’s compliance with, and implementation of, the UN Guidelines on the Alternative Care of Children. 

Joan Cochrane & Goh Lee Ming - Infant Vol 9 Issue 4,

This article explores the implementation of a system in Malaysia, where mothers or guardians who choose to abandon their baby are enabled to do so anonymously within a safe environment.