
Displaying 13181 - 13190 of 14428

Child Welfare Information Gateway,

Family engagement is the foundation of good casework practice that promotes the safety, permanency, and well-being of children and families in the US child welfare system. This brief offers information to help State child welfare managers improve family engagement across program areas.

Family Health International ,

Findings and recommendations of the first national study of its kind in Ethiopia to study child care institutions, institutionalized children, and factors driving institutionalization.

Russian Union of Social Workers and Social Pedagogues ,

The Russian Union of Social Workers and Social Pedagogues is glad to inform experts in the social sphere about the Fourth International Forum of Social Workers of Siberia and the Far East “Family of the 21-st century. Hope for the Future”. The Forum will take place on 18 – 19 August 2010.

Alexandra L. Trout, Kathryn Casey, M. Beth Chmelka, Catherine DeSalvo, Robert Reid, and Michael H. Epstein,

This study evaluated data of 123 children with and without disabilities in residential care to determine demographic, behavioral, mental health, and educational characteristics.

Ethiopian Herald ,

Ethiopian Womens Affairs Ministry and UNICEF hosted a training for all stakeholders on the 1993 Hague Convention. The training focused on facilitating ways for the adoption of the Hague in line with the laws and regulations of Ethiopia.

Save the Children ,

A leaflet for parents on how to help your child cope during an evacuation or relocation in an emergency.

Enrico Rampazzo and Alfred Twahirwa - Save the Children,

This participatory baseline is part of a multi-country study commissioned by Save the Children targeting selected areas of Rwanda, Ethiopia and North-Sudan. The purpose of the multi-country study is to address the UN Study on Violence Against Children’s recommendations and assess the role of communities in ensuring that children are protected from violence and abuse at all levels. 

Service Social international (SSI),

Ce rapport fait suite à une mission d’évaluation réalisée en Côte d’Ivoire entre le 8 et le 12 mars 2010, complétée par une compilation des informations disponibles et une analyse du cadre législatif ivoirien relatif à l’adoption. Le choix de la Côte d’Ivoire a été motivé par le fait que ce pays faisait partie des dix premiers pays d’origine des enfants adoptés en France et n’avait a l'epoque pas encore ratifié la Convention du 29 mai 1993.

Human Rights Watch,

This 70-page report documents the struggles of foster care youth who become homeless after turning 18, or "aging out" of the state's care, without sufficient preparation or support for adulthood


Assists in the development and application of an analytic tool for mapping and assessing existing child protection policies, laws and services for adequacy and to identify obstacles and opportunities in implementation, especially in reaching vulnerable or excluded groups.