
Displaying 13201 - 13210 of 14428


Defines the ethics and principles that should govern adoption.

ISS for UNICEF and Department of Adoption of Ministry of Justice of Viet Nam,

Independent assessment of the situation of Intercountry adoption in Vietnam.

Children's Hospital - San Diego, Chadwick Center and the National Call to Action ,

An overview of considered best practices in therapy for child survivors of physical and sexual abuse.

Lynn Walker, Farm Orphan Support Trust of Zimbabwe,

A training manual on supporting children and young people who have been orphaned or affected by HIV and AIDS. It provides exercises for caregivers and other adults on understanding how children experience loss and grief and on the types of social and psychological supports such children will need.

Colin Cotterill for End Child Prostitution, Child Pornagraphy and the Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes (ECPAT),

A compilation of low-budget activities (e.g. play, sport, games, arts/crafts, music/movement, drama, reading/listening, and creative expression) for non-psychosocial professionals working at drop-in or residential centers.

Lynn Losert - Creative Associates International, Inc.; Aguirre Division of JBS International, Inc.; USAID ,

The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of best practices in inclusive education, inform stakeholders of the current status of inclusive education in the region, describe the contextual factors which affect program implementation, and make recommendations of practical start-up steps for inclusive education programs.

Save the Children Sweden,

This report presents the findings of a regional study on children’s participation in Southern Africa. 

Madeleine A. Currie and S. Jody Heymann - Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, Vol. 6, No. 1,,

This article explores how established faith-based organizations that work with children affected by HIV/AIDS address the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Millennium Development Goals in their service practices and what challenges they face.

Child Trends ,

A new Child Trends fact sheet examines the role that programs for older youth can play in promoting positive development and subsequent self-sufficiency in adulthood.

Annie E. Casey Foundation,

This new report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation outlines initiatives in four sites to help child welfare systems reduce institutional placements, improve outcomes, and support community services by changing the array of services, frontline practice, finances, performance management, and policy