
Displaying 13341 - 13350 of 14428

Sigrid James, Susanne B. Montgomery, Laurel K. Leslie, Jinjin Zhang - Children and Youth Services Review,
SOS Villages d'Enfants ,

A l’occasion du 20eme anniversaire de SOS Villages d’Enfants Madagascar, SOS Villages d’Enfants a choisi de consacrer ce cahier à une étude réalisée sur le village SOS de Vontovorona, première pierre de la présence de SOS Villages d’Enfants sur le sol malgache. 

Peter Evans,

This background paper draws attention to the child protection reforms to be made to gatekeeping access to services. The paper draws attention to critical linkages to relevant legal, policy and procedural reforms and the reform of services to support children and families.


Examined the eight countries in which USAID supported significant child welfare reform programs: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Georgia, Romania, Russia, and Ukraine. The paper discusses population issues, the current system of child welfare, USAID-funded activities, lessons learned, and best practices.

Eric Guga, John Parry-Williams, & Andrew Dunn,


L. Sherr J. Mueller Z. Fox - Child: Care, Health and Development,

This study aims to use media reports as a resource to collate existing information on abandoned babies and to draw conclusions to inform future response.

The Republic of Uganda, Ministry of Education and Sports,

In 2001 the Republic of Uganda's Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) issued the Basic Requirements and Minimum Standards Indicators for Education Institutions (BRMS) to schools and other relevant stakeholders to guide the organization and management of educational institutions. This BRMS has been reviewed by a multi-sectoral team comprising of members from the public and private sectors, development partners, international and national NGOs and other organizations.

Lynda Ince - Institute of Applied Social Studies, School of Social Sciences, University of Birmingham ,

This thesis explores the experiences and meanings that are attributed to kinship care by caregivers, young people of African descent, and social workers.

Lynda Ince - University of Birmingham,

This thesis explores the experiences and meanings that are attributed to kinship care by caregivers, young people of African descent, and social workers.

Oxford Policy Management,

Analysis of policy and service model used to identify barriers in the delivery of alternative care services for children.