
Displaying 13301 - 13310 of 14428

Emily Delap ,

This document outlines EveryChild’s approach to the growing problem of children without parental care by defining key concepts, analysing the nature and extent of the problem, exploring factors which place children at risk of losing parental care, and examining the impact of a loss of parental care on children’s rights.


Collection of abstracts from conference presentations

ANPPCAN and Conference Delegates,

Summary of conference delegates' declarations and recommendations

Children and Youth Services Review ,

This paper examines the efficacy of Independent Living (IL) services in the United States in preparing foster youth to live “independently”, and calls into question the appropriateness of an “independence” goal for youth aging out of foster care.

Ahmed Bawa Kuyini, Abdul Razak Alhassan, Inga Tollerud, Hanne Weld, Iddi Haruna - Child & Family Social Work,

For this study, surveys were employed to explore the experiences of children in care and their carers about traditional fostering.

Care International,

This paper describes CARE Rwanda’s Nkundabana model, which mobilizes adult volunteers from the community to provide guidance and care for children living in households without adult support, and discusses lessons learned.

Elizabeth Fernandez ,

This paper reports research on outcomes of long term foster care from an eight year longitudinal study of foster care placements in Australia.

Council of Europe,

Youth-friendly information booklet addressed to children and young people in alternative care.

SOS Children's Villages,

First briefing paper of series, aims to share good practices and information exchange on preparation for leaving care and after care support