
Displaying 1151 - 1160 of 14428

Pauline Simon, Anne Plantade-Gipch, Alain Blanchet, Nathalie Duriez,

The purpose of this study, based in France, is to explore the Emotion Regulation Strategies (ERS) of children in foster care and to highlight those most commonly employed in family or placement contexts.

Soyoung Park, Soyoung Park, Sarah Font, Ashley Schroeder, Michael Lin, Andrew J. Mowen,

This global study examined 106,979 tweets posted by 34,370 unique users from 2010 to 2019 to understand the sentiment of those indirectly involved in orphanage tourism and its change over time.

Clive Diaz, Samantha Fitz-Symonds, Lilly Evans, David Westlake, Richard Devine, Diletta Mauri, Bethan Davies - What Works for Early Intervention and Children’s Social Care,

This report presents the findings from a mixed-methods evaluation of peer parental advocacy (PPA) in the London Borough of Camden.

Better Care Network,

The Transitioning Residential Care Cost Estimation Tool was designed to help you consider the cost implications of #transition and generate an estimate to help with planning & securing a commitment to transition from key stakeholders.


The Nurturing Care Practice Guide is designed for managers and service providers who are responsible for or provide health and nutrition services for young children and their caregivers at any level.

UNICEF, Changing the Way We Care,

This case study examines the transition of Patrick from residential care to being supported to live independently through a programme of supervised independent living for young people. This programme aims to ease the transition from residential care to living independently in the community and is part of the broader Tubarerere Mu Muryango Programme (Let’s Raise Children in Family) care reform programme in Rwanda.

Judith Harwin, Lily Golding,

This UK Department for Education report charts the experiences and views of parents in the UK whose children were made subject to a supervision order or a care order at home at the end of care proceedings.

Natasha Bogoevska, Suzana Bornarova, Sofija Georgievska,

This article reviews the key reform processes in the domain of social protection in the the Republic of North Macedonia, with a focus on social services for children without parents and parental care.

Mónica López López, Hilda Paredes Dávila, Beatriz Vizcarra Larrañaga,

El objetivo fundamental del presente libro es el análisis comparativo de las políticas, prácticas e investigaciones en relación a los sistemas de protección infantil en diversos países de América Latina y Europa. Las distintas experiencias recogidas en el texto esperamos contribuyan a aportar a la escasa literatura existente sobre el tema en Iberoamérica, pese a su enorme relevancia para los distintos intervinientes, investigadores, comunidad profesional y tomadores de decisiones.