
Displaying 1341 - 1350 of 14428

UNICEF, Global Social Service Workforce Alliance,

This guide is intended to inform policy makers and workforce managers in ministries of social welfare, finance and planning, and, where applicable, provincial or district authorities and other relevant national bodies responsible for the recruitment, deployment, funding or regulation of the social service workforce. The guide can also be used by a national level leadership group tasked with defining an adequate level of resourcing for social services, and, on this basis, a minimum ratio of workforce to population, alongside other steps to strengthen the social service workforce.

Anne Marie McLaughlin, Richard Enns, Susan Gallagher, Jesse Henton,

In this chapter of the book 'Human Rights and Social Justice', the authors focus their attention on issues and challenges facing rural youth who have exited care, with special consideration of First Nation or Indigenous youth in Canada, and offer a multidimensional framework that can support anti-colonial and anti-oppressive models of practice.

Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence Against Children,

The Special Representative of the Secretary General on Violence Against Children will present for the first time ever her General Assembly Report to Children.

Save the Children Spain,

Save the Children a développé ce programme d'apprentissage afin d'évaluer l'utilisation des téléphones portables comme mécanismes d'information et de rétroaction pour les enfants placés en Gambie et de déterminer s'il est efficace et sécurisé.

Save the Children Spain,

Save the Children has developed this learning agenda in order to assess the use of cell phones as information and feedback mechanisms for foster children in Gambia and to determine whether it is effective and secure. 

Niall McCracken - BBC News,

Shannon and Star were both brought up in the care system. They have been speaking to BBC News NI about how they want to challenge stereotypes about children in care. They are among a group of young people who have developed a manifesto with Barnardo's NI to lobby politicians.

Purity Mugo, Jane Ndungu - Kenya News Agency,

The department of children services in Murang’a County has introduced an initiative aimed at encouraging family based care for children at charity institutions.

Changing the Way We Care în parteneriat cu CCF Moldova, Keystone Moldova and Partnerships for Every Child,

În 2021-2022, CTWWC în parteneriat cu trei organizații ale societății civile: Keystone Moldova, Copil, Comunitate, Familie (CCF Moldova) și Asociația Parteneriate pentru Fiecare Copil (P4EC), a realizat o serie de cercetări la nivel național, inclusiv evaluarea complexă a șase instituții rezidențiale (IR).

Changing the Way We Care in partnership with CCF Moldova, Keystone Moldova and Partnerships for Every Child,

During 2021-2022, Changing the Way We Care in partnership with three civil society institutions: Keystone Moldova, Child, Community and Family (CCF Moldova) and Partnerships for Every Child (P4EC), conducted a series of assessments on the national level, including a complex evaluation of six residential institutions (RI).


UNCEF's newest Goodwill Ambassador, 25-year-old Ugandan activist Vanessa Nakate, has been calling for urgent action to mitigate climate change since 2019, when she organized a protest with her siblings and cousins on the streets of Kampala. Inspired by Greta Thunberg, Nakate continued to protest weekly, becoming a well-known face in the movement of young people striking for climate action around the world.