
Displaying 14061 - 14070 of 14428

Marc Pilon,

Explores the relationship between fostering and education in West Africa. Identifies special need to focus on protecting and educating young girls.

Charles H. Zeanah, Charles A. Nelson, Nathan A. Fox,

An overview of the largest longitudinal investigation of institutionalized children less than 2 years old ever conducted.


Follow-up analysis of reintegration for demobilized child soldiers in Rwanda. Concludes with lessons learned for successful reintegration.

Simon Bagshaw and Diane Paul,

Report of a field-based study of international protection for internally displaced persons. Presents conclusions and recommendations for policy.

Action for the Rights of Children,

Training module outlining key principles concerning the protection of children affected by armed conflict and displacement. Topics include legal frameworks, identifying protection issues, threats to children in emergencies, and promoting healthy child development.

Vathsalya Charitable Trust,

Explores temporary foster care as an alternative to institutionalization in India. Emphasis on analyzing and reforming guidelines for foster care.

Rachel Brett,

This short paper outlines the factors underlying children's voluntary decisions to join armed groups.

Susan Nicolai and Carl Triplehom,

Examines the link between education and the protection needs of children, with a particular focus on the role of education in emergency response.

International HIV/AIDS Alliance,

Outlines the impact of HIV/AIDS on children’s education and suggests strategies for meeting children’s educational needs. Includes a list of follow-up resources.

Laurence Gray,

Discusses approaches to protecting at-risk children in five Asian countries. Identifies programming and policy measures that effectively address child abuse. Emphasis on committing all levels of society to coordinated practical response.