
Displaying 201 - 210 of 14424

Zoë Robinson - Advocate for Children and Young People,

This interim report based in Australia focuses on hearing the lived experiences of children and young people in alternative care arrangements and lifts up the voices of those who have participated in private hearings as part of this Special Inquiry to date.


This UNICEF paper summarises evidence on the current use and impact of boarding schools in the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region and draws on wider international evidence. It proposes a typology of boarding schools and considers the drivers for their use, as well as the concerns and challenges related to that use for vulnerable children.

Ruby Valerie Whitelaw,

Research highlights that residential care experienced children and young people in Scotland have poorer educational outcomes than their peers within the wider population. Despite experiencing adversity, attachment, separation and loss, school attainment data on leaving care only reflects part of the educational journey. This paper aims to address a gap in contemporary literature that is of benefit to practitioners, academics and policymakers.

Noel Titheradge, Annabel Deas - BBC News,

Staff were filmed hitting, kicking and leaving special school pupils in their own urine, the BBC has found.

Catholic Care for Children,

Do you work in a children’s home and have wondered whether moving children to family care is possible? Join Sisters worldwide to explore WHY children need families and HOW your program can safely move children to family care.  &nbsp

Ramashankar Mohapatra, Devi Prasad Misra,

The study is aimed at examining organizational as well as managerial practices in orphanages located at Balasore, India to understand how these factors impact the care and development of orphaned children.

Donna O'Leary, Alistair Christie, Ivan Perry, Ali Khashan,

This study examines the factors which drive the decision to provide child protection and welfare services in Ireland using social work case files and multivariable analysis.

Lauren Pryce McCarthy,

This U.S.-based study aimed to explore how caregivers perceive their role in decision-making when accessing residential treatment settings (RTS) for youth using interpretive phenomenological analysis.

Naomi Larsson Piñeda - The Guardian,

Four families torn apart by Chile’s illegal adoption scandal finally found each other decades later. They describe the emotional moment they met – and how they pieced together the lives they had spent apart

Mpho Mosala, Lizane Wilson,

This is a qualitative research study to gather primary data to examine the high demand for foster care services in South Africa and the impact on the country's social work services.