Saint Kitts and Nevis

Displaying 221 - 230 of 14424

Vivian Yee, Bilal Shbair - The New York Times,

The United Nations says famine is likely to set in by May. For those living under Israel’s attacks and a crippling blockade, every day is a race against time.

Rebecca Nhep, Sarah Deck, Kate van Doore, Martine Powell,

Although orphanage trafficking can be prosecuted under legal frameworks in some jurisdictions, including Cambodia, there have been limited prosecutions to date. One factor that likely contributes to a lack of prosecution is poor detection, yet the indicators of orphanage trafficking have not been considered by extant research. The current study was conducted as a first step towards providing evidence-based indicators of orphanage trafficking.


Human trafficking and migrant smuggling are multi-billion-dollar businesses that have changed dramatically in recent years, driven by global challenges such as war, large migration and refugee flows, cybercrime, climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Yanbin Niu, George A. Buzzell, Ana Cosmoiu, Nathan A. Fox, Charles A. Nelson, Charles H. Zeanah, Kathryn L. Humphreys,

The current study examined irritability in 107 16-year-olds with a history of institutional care from a randomized controlled trial of foster care as an alternative to institutional care and 49 community comparison children.

Jacqueline Tams, Marcus Gottlieb, Jamie Piercy,

This project uses a mixed methods design to explore how residential youth workers in British Columbia conceptualize and account for grief and loss. Specifically, the authors explore service providers’ perceptions of how loss affects children’s behavior.

Baorui Chang, Yanhan Wei, Jiandong Fang,

This study uncovers the internal mechanisms through which parental care deficit impacts depression in left-behind children in China.

Barbara Blundell, Christina Fernandes, Rebecca Moran,

The goal of this research was to map and identify service and social policy needs, gaps, barriers, and enablers for Western Australian custodial grandparent carers.


The PACE parenting approach was developed by Dr Dan Hughes for parents and carers of children who are adopted or live in foster or kinship care families. PACE stands for Playfullness, Acceptance. Curiosity, and Empathy and is an attitude has proved to be helpful for many professionals working in adoption, fostering or kinship care services. The aim of PACE is to allow the child to establish a positive and reciprocal relationship with their parents or carers and to experience relationships as 'safe'.

Udayan Care,

Delia Pop, the director of Tanya's Dream Fund, leads grant giving and advocacy strategies in Bulgaria along with working with UNICEF. In this episode she shares her extensive knowledge on creating strong strategy reforms.

African Charter on the Rights & Welfare of the Child (ACERWC),

Muluka Anne Mitti-Drummond, UN Independent Expert on the Enjoyment of Rights of Persons living with Albinism highlights how the conversation on the enjoyment of rights of children with albinism will advance the advocacy on this topic.