
Their work centers around three focus areas:

  • Ensure Each Child Thrives. Miracle Foundation has developed and implemented the Thrive Scale, a proven care model based on the UN Rights of the Child. Currently, they are working alongside hundreds of orphanages to reunite children with their families and to provide each child with the quality of care, and dignity, that is their right.
  • Strengthen The Childcare System. Every day around the world, social workers, caregivers, and government officials make decisions that impact millions of orphaned children. They are the “boots on the ground.” Together with UNICEF, Miracle Foundation provides training and educational resources that empower workers in the childcare ecosystem to give children a better future.
  • Keep Families Together. Separation of families happens primarily because of family crisis and poverty, not for lack of love. Miracle Foundation partners with community programs that identify at-risk children and offer support to vulnerable families long before an orphanage becomes a necessity. Prevention is the key.
Key Area(s) of Work
Family Reintegration/Reunification
Family Strengthening/Family Preservation
Prevention of Family Separation/Institutionalization
Separated or Abandoned Children
Social Service Workforce Strengthening/Staff Training