
Orphan's Promise is a Christian Faith-Based Organization serving orphaned and at-risk children, helping to keep families together, and creating opportunities for strong, sustainable communities. Their vision is "to meet the emotional, intellectual, physical, social and spiritual needs of orphaned and at-risk children around the world with the Love of God." Aimed at helping hurting families recover and allowing vulnerable children to remain in their homes, Keeping Families Together (KFT) is an intensive program that helps children and their parents learn how to relate to one another in a healthy way. In addition, the program helps parents who are struggling financially to begin microenterprises—learning job skills, money management, and responsibility along the way. Families who graduate from our KFT programs are equipped with all the tools necessary to remain together and to grow spiritually, mentally, socially, and emotionally.

Key Area(s) of Work
Child Trafficking
Family Strengthening/Family Preservation