
UNICEF Thailand's priorities include:

  • Addressing disparities
  • Promoting holistic early childhood development
  • Promoting access to quality education
  • Protecting children from violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation
  • Protecting children and adolescents from HIV and sexually transmitted infections
  • Promoting age-appropriate participation of children and adolescents in decisions that affect them
  • Strengthening social protection for children
  • Providing humanitarian assistance during emergencies

UNICEF Thailand's work on child protection focuses on strengthening the child protection system to prevent and respond to gender-based violence, abuse, neglect, and exploitation of children. This builds on efforts for law reform and enforcement, promotion of appropriate attitude on violence, development and strengthening of essential services and rehabilitation, and building capacity of family, community, and service providers, etc. 

UNICEF Thailand's work on social policy focuses on addressing key bottlenecks in the enabling environment, and in the quality and supply of services. This involves increasing capacities of key social ministry planning departments to use evidence in planning, budgeting, implementing and evaluating national policies for children in an equity-focused and results-based manner. Government capacity will be strengthened to mainstream the SDGs into national policies and plans.

The focus will be on generating disaggregated data for increased public transparency, accountability and financial management that will promote public awareness of gaps in the fulfillment of children’s rights and catalyse Government action.

For the child-sensitive social protection, UNICEF Thailand aims to strengthen the social protection system to reduce the poverty gap and address major aspects of young children’s well-being. The programme will support the costing of child-sensitive social protection models, identification of fiscal space/budget sources, and the formulation of universal child-sensitive social protection policies. Strategic partnerships will be bolstered with civil society, including academia, for evidence generation and policy advice.

UNICEF will build the capacity of the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security and other line ministries to effectively design, implement and monitor existing cash transfer schemes to cover all children. Other programme components will benefit from integration with social policy through data and budget analysis for key sectoral plans and policies for children in Thailand.

Key Area(s) of Work
Child Care/Protection in Emergencies and Humanitarian Crises
Child Participation
Child Protection
Early Childhood Development
Family Strengthening/Family Preservation
Violence Against Children
Country Office