South Korea

List of Organisations

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List of Organisations

Steve Evans, BBC News - Asia ,

This video report from the BBC examines South Koreans’ perspectives on domestic adoption.

Kim Da-sol - The Korea Herald ,

An increasing number of infants have been left at a “baby box” in Gwanak-gu, Seoul since 2009.

Journeyman Pictures,

In this video report, Journeyman Pictures follows a man who has opened a “baby box” in South Korea where women can anonymously drop off their unwanted babies.

Emma Kalka - Korea Herald,

This article, published in the Korea Herald, highlights the recent reforms in Korea’s often-criticized international adoption policy, including some reforms that will help to make the adoption process more transparent.

Jane Jeong Trenka and David Smolin - Korea Times,

This Op-Ed piece indicates the authors’ views on the Korean Minister of Health and Welfare’s recent signing of the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption. The article speaks to the four ways in which the authors believe the signing of the Convention, and its ultimate ratification and implementation in Korea, would improve the child welfare situation.

Jane Jeong Trenka and David Smolin - Korea Times,

This Op-Ed piece indicates the authors’ views on the Korean Minister of Health and Welfare’s recent signing of the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption. The article speaks to the four ways in which the authors believe the signing of the Convention, and its ultimate ratification and implementation in Korea, would improve the child welfare situation.

Elizabeth Larsen,

Explores intercountry adoption from the perspective of the adoptees. Focuses on the experience of Korean adoptees in the United States.

Hollee McGinnis, PhD, Virginia Commonwealth University,

The present quantitative study of adolescents in orphanages in South Korea explored the following questions: (1) Do adolescents in institutions experience cognitions and feelings about birth parent loss? (2) What is the association between birth parent loss and mental health (depression, trauma), behavior problems (YSR total internalizing, externalizing), and school problems (school engagement, grades)?