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Elizabeth Fernandez, Paul Delfabbro, Ioana Ramia and Szilvia Kovacs - Children and Youth Services Review ,

This paper reports the findings from an Australian study that examined longitudinal data on reasons for entry to care, trajectories in care and patterns of reunification and associated factors.

Elizabeth Fernandez, Paul Delfabbro, Ioana Ramia, Szilvia Kovacs - Children in Youth Services Review,

This paper reports the findings of an Australian study that examined longitudinal data on reasons for entry to care, trajectories in care and patterns of reunification and associated factors.

Neelima Choahan - The Age,

Department of Health and Human Services secret report reveals that vulnerable children are being exposed to more risk in kinship care placements in Victoria, due to lack of assessments or monitoring of kinship placements by child protection workers. 

Lisa Button - Save the Children Australia & Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network,

This report examines current policy framework and practices in five countries, namely Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Australia and the Republic of Nauru.

Disability Advocacy Resource Unit,

In this session of the Advocacy Sector Conversations Forum, Barbara Carter and Kate Fitt discussed issues around child protection and provided some practical tips on how to support parents with disability in their dealings with child protection agencies.

Australian Broadcasting Corporation,

‘Monique's early childhood was the sort of experience that might have broken most kids. Now 19, she found a loving home with a relative when she was nine.

Kathy Mendis, Jennifer Lehmann, Fiona Gardner - The British Journal of Social Work,

This Australian study was designed to investigate the factors that contributed to the education of academically successful ex-care women with the intention that the findings might inform current practice to promote the educational achievement of children in care contexts. 

Australian Associated Press - The Guardian,

A report by the Australian Institute of Family Studies found that stay-at-home fathers still spend slightly less time on childcare than their working wives. 

Karleen Gwinner - Children and Youth Services Review,

The objective of this paper is to scope the context of the problem of children going missing from out-of-home care in Australia and to distinguish what has been and needs to be researched. 

Susan Collings, Rebekah Grace, Gwynnyth Llewellyn - Journal in Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities,

This paper presents a study in which seven children aged 7–11 years whose mother have intellectual disabilities took part in semi-structured interviews to explore their experiences with social support services and formal supports.