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… on how to roll out the training. The facilitator must cover all content because removal of any text on the … on how to roll out the training. The facilitator must cover all content because removal of any text on the … on how to roll out the training. The facilitator must cover all content because removal of any text on the …
… Children and Women in Kenya 2017, UNICEF, Nairobi, Kenya. Cover photo © UNICEF Kenya/2016/Noorani. Situation Analysis … finance to the sector. Donor-financed programmes typically cover HIV and AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, and maternal and … harmonized and efficient health information system to cover all counties and the whole country, to track progress …
In this video on the Do’s and Don’ts of Care Leaver Engagement, Ruth Wacuka discusses what makes engagement meaningful for Care Leavers and what makes it tokenistic, and in the worst cases, exploitative. Ruth makes a number of concrete suggestions throughout the video of practices organizations should encourage and those they should avoid. This covers a range of aspects of engagement including agenda setting, agreements, use of images and identity.
This video is part of a series of practitioner learning videos from…
In November 2018 the Kays Foundation carried out a month of qualitative research into parenting attitudes and practices in coastal Kenya. Through a combination of ethnography, quantitative data collection and documentary film-making, they set out to cast new light on the First 1,000 Days, understanding this life-stage from the vantage point of families and communities.
Their fieldwork was split between rural Kilifi (Ganze) and an informal settlement in urban Mombasa (Kibarani). These locations helped the researchers to explore a range of contrasting needs and the…
… Ksh. 5,000. CTWWC additionally supplemented Ksh. 15,000 to cover other scholastic items. The Children’s Officer … July 2019. Her grandparents had heard that the CCI would cover the cost of Christine’s school fees and they were … immediate basic needs. Aware that the emergency fund would cover only the family’s immediate needs, but not support more …
… in a wider context of the community. The assessment should cover the physical, intellectual, emotional and social need … captures an overview of the organisation. This should cover areas on the mission, vision and objective of the CCI, … are in Kenya legally, • Provide proof of medical insurance cover, • Provide a certificate of good conduct from their …
… guardianship guidelines. In 2012, the scope was widened to cover other forms of alternative care with the aim of … supported by both the government and civil societies to cover all counties. e) Advocacy and Legal Support: These … sub-counties in 2004, by June 2012 it had scaled up to cover all 47 counties, with a reach of 145,590 households …
… approached each interview with a set of topics to cover but gave participants the freedom to follow topics in … several of these overlaps are relatively superficial and cover deeper gaps between experts, the public and … approached each interview with a set of topics to cover but gave participants the freedom to follow topics in …
… families receive support from the Chinese government to cover those expenses. In order to encourage permanency, the … families receive support from the Chinese government to cover those expenses. In order to encourage permanency, the …
Care leavers are one of the most important stakeholder groups in a care reform process, whose experience, expertise and insights should be at the centre of shaping the reform and advocacy agenda. Whilst the importance of engaging care leavers is recognised within the sector, in practice, methods of engagement vary. In many cases they fail to legitimately empower and enable meaningful engagement or are constrained to inviting care leavers to illuminate existing agendas through the sharing of personal experiences. In situations where care leavers are excluded from the sites of power where…