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… others, while respecting health guidelines; (3) cover the cost of technology for children, youth, families … to provide discretionary payments to care leavers to cover items such as food, utilities, and rent during this … others, while respecting health guidelines; (3) cover the cost of technology for children, youth, families …
As a response to COVID-19 the population of England was asked to stay at home and work from there wherever possible. This included those working in children’s social care (CSC) who have responsibility for child protection and other safeguarding duties.
The study was designed to understand how CSC made the transition from being an office-based agency to one where the majority of social workers were based at home and to understand how CSC perceived the impact on children and their families. Participants and setting Senior members of CSC staff in 15…
As a group of citizens, clinicians and researchers, the authors of this paper have worked together to mitigate the collateral damage of COVID-19 on children and young people (CYP) living in North West London (NWL). The authors have built on existing relationships with members of their communities to understand concerns and inform service co-design. Here, the authors explore the concerns of CYP and their carers and highlight examples of good practice to inspire others to strengthen patient and public involvement (PPI) as the COVID-19 pandemic evolves.