Regions & Countries

Displaying 10241 - 10250 of 14428

National Child Workforce Institute,

The webinar will focus on a comprehensive approach to strengthening supervisory practice throughout Indiana’s Department of Child Services (DCS). The session will focus on the development and refinement of a range of inter-connected supervisory initiatives in Indiana, including:

The Guardian,

In this article from the Guardian, Do Duy Vi, a former street child himself, shares how he he seeks out vulnerable young people in Vietnam’s capital in the hopes of offering them shelter and a new beginning.

Lumos USA,

Location: Washington, USA

The International Institute for the Rights of the Child and the Centre for Children's Rights Studies at the University of Geneva,

"Building on the Momentum: International Alternative Care Conference" will take place 3-5 October 2016 in Geneva.  

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care-related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities during the sixteenth session (15 Aug 2016 – 2 Sept 2016) of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Richard Wamimbi Wotti - Royal Roads University Canada/Centres for Child Protection and Learning (CPL),

The Child Protection Working Group (CPWG) commissioned this assessment to assess the effectiveness of the CPWG, structural setup and work methods from 2012 to date in contributing to child protection systems strengthening in Uganda.


Este informe describe las lecciones aprendidas de aquellos que estuvieron directamente involucrados en la implementación del Programa de Protección Infantil durante la respuesta epidémica a la Enfermedad por el Virus del Ébola (EVE) en África Occidental.


This report examines three Ebola-affected countries – Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea – to analyse the degree to which the response was successful in addressing the scale and unique nature of the child protection situation that arose due to the epidemic.

Tuhinul Islam Leon Fulcher (Editors), The CYC-Net Press,

Edited by Tuhinul Islam and Leon Fulcher,  Residential Child and Youth Care in a Developing World: Global Perspectives  is the first volume of a series of four, bringing together contributions from local practitioners, educators and researchers across all regions on their countries' residential child and youth care traditions, policies and practices, as well as knowledge about children's needs, rights and personal upbringing there.

Global Protection Cluster,

The report highlights the constant threat of sexual violence, exploitation, and child marriage that adolescents and girls face in Syria.