Regions & Countries

Displaying 10941 - 10950 of 14428

Claire O’Kane and Sofni Lubis - SOS Children's Villages,

This report is a case study of alternative child care in Indonesia. Research was conducted that found that with an estimate of 8,000 institutional facilities servicing 500,000 children, Indonesia was overly reliant on institutional care.

GHR Foundation,

This short video by GHR presents information on the Children in Familes program with a focus on Cambodia. GHR's grantees are supporting child protection interventions that strengthen families in order to prevention separation of children from their families.

Juconi México,

Juconi México is an NGO that provides support to children, young people, and families going through difficult circumstances related to traumatic events. The organization is searching for a new Chief Executive Officer. 


UNICEF has called for the submission of proposals for a Consultancy to Research and Develop Communication and Evidence-Based Effective Messaging to identify a service provider to research compelling, evidence-based messaging and framing to mobilize greater and more sustained commitment from major decision-makers on the value of investing in community-based services in order to accelerate childcare system reforms across Europe and Central Asia.

Moses Mugalu, The Observer,

Through the ‘InvestInUGChildren’ campaign, UNICEF has partnered with media outlets to highlight issues such as malnutrition, hunger, domestic violence, early marriage, poor health, and education in Uganda.

Andrea K. McDaniels, The Baltimore Sun,

Social workers and homeless advocates say it is common among young people on the Eastern Shore in Maryland to age out of the foster care system and have to fend for themselves, often becoming homeless. There are few resources to help them transition out of foster care to living on their own. Thus, there is a growing trend of homeless youth considered too old to be wards of the state, but who are not quite ready to live on their own. 

The Times of India,

According to the Juvenile Justice Act for Kerala (a state in India), every police station in the state must have a special juvenile police unit or a child welfare officer (CWO).

The Independent,

The article describes the increase in "orphanage tourism" in Cambodia, which has led to many new orphanages being created to serve the country's tourism industry. 

Irish Examiner,

According to Ireland's Child and Family Agency, Tusla, ten Irish children remained in care placements overseas as of late December 2015. All ten of the children were placed in facilities in Britain. 

Danwood Chirwa - African Human Rights Law Journal,

Through a study of the legal frameworks and court decisions of Malawi and Uganda, this article demonstrates that some of the most common restrictions on inter-country adoption do not serve the best interests and rights of the child.