Regions & Countries

Displaying 10961 - 10970 of 14428

Sophie Busi, in close collaboration with the National Council for Children (NCC), the AfriChild centre, the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBoS), and UNICEF,

Although not conclusive or exhaustive, this agenda represents a bold attempt to identify and prioritise key areas/research themes stemming from the Situation Analysis (2015) and other available evidence on the status of children in Uganda.

Hope and Homes for Children,

This publication includes common questions and answers on the implications of institutional care and why it should be ended. 

Capacity Building Center for States,

The Parent Partner Program Navigator guides child welfare administrators, staff, and parent leaders through key components of designing and implementing successful parent partner programs. Developed collaboratively with experienced parent partners and program coordinators, the Navigator offers guidance and capacity building resources based on research, practice experience, and implementation science.

Terence Beney, Charlotte Muheki, DeeDee Yates, Stephan Lagony, and Shibah Kanoowe,

The purpose of the review is to provide evidence to support planning that will maximize the impact of the PEPFAR Uganda OVC portfolio.

Hope and Homes for Children,

Décadas de investigaciones comprueban que el crecimiento de un niño en una institución posee un impacto nocivo en cuanto a lo psicológico, lo emocional y lo físico, incluyendo trastornos de vinculación, retrasos cognitivos y en el desarrollo, y una falta de capacidades sociales y para la vida que luego concluyen en múltiples desventajas durante la adultez. 

Hope and Homes for Children,

Décadas de pesquisas comprovam que o crescimento em instituições de acolhida gera consequências psicológicas, emocionais e físicas, incluindo transtornos de apego, atrasos cognitivos e no desenvolvimento, e uma falta de habilidades sociais e de competências para a vida, trazendo diversas desvantagens na idade adulta.

Fostering Change,

This report is the second in a series of reports exploring the economic consequences and issues for youth aging out of care in British Columbia, Canada. The purpose of this second phase report is to describe and, to the extent possible, provide estimates of the magnitude of these costs.

Fostering Change,

This series of reports offers important new insights into the economic consequences and issues for youth aging out of care in British Columbia, Canada.

Fostering Change,

This report is the third and final in a series of reports exploring the economic consequences and issues for youth aging out of care in British Columbia, Canada. The purpose of the report is to estimate the incremental costs of support measures that can improve outcomes and to compare these costs to the benefits they may generate.