Regions & Countries

Displaying 11021 - 11030 of 14428

Service Social International,

Ce manuel fournit des conseils aux professionnels qui travaillent avec les enfants handicapés dans les soins en établissement. 

International Social Service,

This manual provides guidance to professionals who work with children with disabilities in residential care. 

Cathrine Madziva, Martha Chinouya - International Social Work,

This qualitative study explored how volunteers delivering social welfare to orphans and vulnerable children through a community initiative supported by donors made sense of volunteering during a period of hyperinflation in Zimbabwe.  

Dejan Janićijević - Factas Universitatis: Law and Politics,

This paper examines the two basic models of the state authorities’ intervention into family life aimed at protecting children.

Josane Van Huyssteen, Marianne Strydom - Social Work,

This paper discusses the style and efficacy of child preservation services for the purpose of reducing child abuse and neglect. 

Susan Morwood,

This Supervision Guideline document from Save the Children contains guidelines and underlying principles for Pusan Dukungan Anak dan Keluarga (PDAK) child and family support centre social workers in working with children and families.

Opening Doors for Europe's Children,

This Country Fact Sheet from Belgium contains short facts on care and institutionalization in Belgium. 

Camilla Jones – Family for Every Child,

This report presents the key findings of a scoping study on the links between education and children’s care. The study involved a literature review in English, French and Spanish; key informant interviews; and consultations with 170 children, carers, teachers and other stakeholders in Guyana, India, Russia and Rwanda.

Emily Delap and Payal Saksena – Family for Every Child,

This report examines what family means to children and adults in the following countries: Brazil, India, Guyana, South Africa, Egypt, Mexico, Russia, Kenya.  The storytellers use evidence from 59 short films made using digital storytelling technique.

Save the Children,

Desde el año 2000, el Ranking anual sobre el Estado Mundial de las Madres se ha convertido en una herramienta fiable para mostrar en qué países les va mejor a las madres y sus bebés y dónde enfrentan las mayores dificultades.