Regions & Countries

Displaying 11241 - 11250 of 14428


The objective of these Minimum Standards is to provide clarity on what constitutes effective and appropriate gender-based violence (GBV) prevention and response in emergencies by offering concrete actions that can be applied across various emergency contexts.

Eshantha Ariyadasa & Janet Mcintyre - Systemic Practice and Action Research,

This paper addresses the issue of human rights of vulnerable children in Sri Lanka in the wake of the civil war, global climatic change and economic recession.

UNICEF Centre de presse,

En septembre, l’UNICEF a confirmé que plus d’un demi-million de personnes avaient traversé la Méditerranée vers l’Europe depuis le début de l’année 2015, les enfants représentant un cinquième de cette population en migration. Sur l’île grecque de Lesbos, deux enfants syriens arrivés avec d’autres membres de leur famille illustrent bien l’espoir et le désespoir à l’origine de ce voyage long et incertain. 

Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children, Churches' Network for Non-violence (CNNV) & Save the Children Sweden,

This handbook provides links to tools and resources for engaging with and enlisting the support of religious communities and faith-based institutions towards the prohibition and elimination of corporal punishment of children.


This study from Lumos provides an analysis of a survey administered to temporary foster carers in June 2015 in seven regions of the Czech Republic to address negative perceptions of foster carers and to determine whether public criticisms were founded.

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care-related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Committee on the Rights of the Child.

A dedicated Program Specialist is needed to provide technical and administrative support to the 4Children project in the coming year.

Elevate Children Funders Group,

The Elevate Children Funders Group is seeking a consultant to conduct a funding stream analysis in three low-income countries (Cambodia, Nepal, and Uganda) in order to get a clearer understanding for the role private and government funding plays in promoting (versus discouraging) different forms of family and alternative care.

Pennsylvania State University - The Network on Child Protection and Well-Being,

The purpose of this conference is to showcase recent biological advancements related to child maltreatment and other forms of trauma and chronic stress.


Depuis le début de l’année 2015, plus d’un million de personnes ont traversé la méditerranée pour rejoindre l’Europe. Près d’une personne sur cinq ayant rejoint les côtes européennes est un enfant…