Regions & Countries

Displaying 9371 - 9380 of 14428

Human Rights Watch ,

Greek authorities on the island of Lesbos are inaccurately identifying and registering unaccompanied migrant children as adults upon their arrival, denying young people the care and protection they deserve. 

Laurie Monsebraaten & Vjosa Isai -,

Ontario announced a blueprint for reform of foster care and group homes in the province following a 2016 report, promising increased inspections of group homes and more opportunities for the participation of young people in care. 

Joseph M. Cheer, Kent Goldsworthy, Leigh Mathews, & Shivani Kanodia - The Conversation,

This article describes how orphanage tourism is linked to the exploitation of children and modern slavery. 

Niina Rita, Marko Elovainio, Hanna Raaska, Pekka Lahti-Nuuttila, Jaakko Matomäki, Jari Sinkkonen, Helena Lapinleimu - Scandinavian Journal of Psychology,

This study explores whether child and family-related factors are associated with later psychological problems in international adoptees in Finland. Researchers then investigated whether the length of time a child spends at home after adoption and before daycare moderates the aforementioned associations. 

Florence Martin - Better Care Network,

This presentation, delivered by Better Care Network Director Florence Martin at the 18-19 July #ChildrenCount17 conference, demonstrates the need for comprehensive national data systems, as well as what kind of data should be collected, barriers to thorough data collection, and examples of strong national-level efforts to collect comprehensive data on children living outside of family care. 

Sun Narin - VOA Khmer,

Families of recently reintegrated children in Cambodia express mixed feelings upon their return, reporting concerns about children receiving adequate education and support services after leaving residential care facilities. 

Jake Evans - ABC News,

The Australian Capital Territory has the highest rate of indigenous children in care in Australia, and the Aboriginal community is calling for more cultural understanding from the child protection system. 

The Korea Herald,

Since South Korea's adoption of a law banning adoption agencies from accepting undocumented babies, the number of infants abandoned in the country have increased.

Martin Punaks - Anti-Slavery Blog,

For the first time in history, the U.S. Department of State's Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report acknowledges orphanages as a destination point for trafficked children in Nepal. Martin Punaks, of Lumos, discusses orphanage trafficking and the importance of its recognition in the TIP Report, as well as how to build on this momentum moving forward. 

Claudia Arisi & Zach Christensen - SOS Children's Villages & Development Initiatives,

This briefing paper underlines the issue of the lack of accurate and reliable data on children outside family care and provides insight on how to move forward in closing the data gap to ensure all children are counted.