Childhood Education International

Childhood Education International has worked at the intersection of education, human development, and international development since 1892. With specialists in over 35 nations, their mission is to seek innovative solutions to education challenges by providing professional development opportunities, technical assistance, and consultation services around the world.

Their vision is to transform education so that every child has access to quality and equitable care and education experiences that uphold their right to learn. In order to secure the right to learn for every child, CEI also works to ensure their overall well-being – their health, safety, protection, and growth. 

You can fill out their contact form here.


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Where they operate

Main Areas of Work

What They Do


CE International delivers unique programs and services in pursuit of its mission through three Practice Areas: Innovative Leadership, Child Health and Well-Being, Rethinking Education. Their work in these three areas contributes to an education sector led by creative thinkers who seek to enhance education leadership; develop and share engaging and innovative approaches and concepts in education from around the world; and ensure the health, safety, and protection of children worldwide.

Their services include professional development, project implementation, and consultation services