Community Opportunity Map

Casey Family Programs

Casey Family Programs has launched the Community Opportunity Map, a tool that allows users in the U.S. to see localized indicators connected to community health and maltreatment prevention.

The tool is designed for community members, policymakers, child welfare leaders, city government officials and other stakeholders to help promote well-being for families and children.

Using data mined through the U.S. Census Bureau, users are able to specify states, cities, zip codes or neighborhoods and the map will produce the following indicators for any area selected:

  • Housing: Percent of vacant houses, percent of people paying more than 30 percent of income for housing, and resident turnover.
  • Families: Percent of single-mother homes, overall child-to-adult ratio, and percent of people over the age of 65.
  • Economy: Unemployment rate, poverty rate of adults with high school diploma or GED.
  • Demographics: Population, racial/ethnic breakdown, percent of population that is foreign born.

Click here to access the user’s guide, and click here to access the Community Opportunity Map.