Regional Programme Manager (Europe), Children and Youth in Migration

Terre des hommes

Terre des hommes is seeking a Regional Programme Manager for Children and Youth in Migration. Under the direct line management of the Head of Migration Programme based in Lausanne, reporting functionally to the Head of Europe Region, the Regional Programme Manager Children and Youth in Migration (hereinafter “Regional Manager”) has full operational responsibility over all Migration projects in Europe Region. This position is a senior leading role in the Regional Office. The Regional Manager is responsible for the steering of his/her programme at all levels in Europe Region (regional, sub-regional, national and local levels). S/he is responsible for ensuring the respect for policies, regulations and processes in force in the Foundation in all the operational activities deployed by the collaborators who are reporting to him/her.

As the leader of Tdh’s Migration Programme in Europe Region, the Regional Manager leads the development and coordinates the implementation of Tdh’s regional strategy on the programme, which will combine four main dimensions:

  1. Political / strategic dimension related to Migration issues, in charge of leading the strategy, communication, advocacy, and partnerships;
  2. Operational dimension, in charge of leading and overseeing Tdh interventions on Migration in Europe;
  3. Financial dimension regarding fundraising, and overall financial management of the Migration programme;
  4. Human resources dimension in terms of leading and overseeing the regional Migration team.


The RegIonal Manager is primarily responsible for the development of the Migration programme in the European context. S/he must ensure the most effective, efficient and sustainable deployment of the programme in this region in order to contribute to the achievement of the ambitions of impact set out in Vision 2030 and reflected in the 2016-2020 strategy.

The Regional Manager:

  • Carries out his/her responsibilities with the Europe Migration programme team and in synergy/close collaboration with all other regional managers. S/he collaborates with various Migration advisers at HQ level, Humanitarian Aid Division, Transversal Child Protection Sector, the Disruptive Innovation Unit, Quality and Accountability Unit, other programmes and resources at global and regional level;
  • Manages the regional Migration programme team, builds its capacity and ensures functional links with the Migration programme staff at national levels;
  • Under the coordination of the Head of Migration Programme and with the support of the Migration programme advisers:
  • Contributes to the Migration programme at the global level;
  • Works in a team with other regional managers, especially with the objective to design and implement the Euro-Mediterranean (EuroMed) Migration;
  • Participates in the development of action plans, theory of change, thematic strategies, indicators framework, policies, guidance and key tools, mechanisms and projects related to the Global Migration Programme;
  • Ensures the implementation of all activities at regional level and supervises/actively contributes to the implementation of regional or sub-regional projects. More specifically, s/he coordinates the development, implementation and revision of the strategy of the programme in Europe Region with other regional programme managers, Regional Office support functions and other colleagues on the global and regional level, including managers from different regions;
  • Ensures the steering/monitoring of the Migration programme in Europe and EuroMed regions and animates a regional/inter-regional dynamic and cohesion on migration related issues for Tdh. This dynamic includes thematic monitoring, geopolitical developments monitoring, stakeholders analysis, power analysis, financial analysis, migrants and refugees situation analysis and regional/trans-regional analysis in order to identify needs and opportunities, develop innovations, build financial, operational, technical and/or academic partnerships, etc;
  • Represents Tdh in/at Migration related arenas/networks/bodies and ensures optimal financial coverage of Migration programme in Europe and EuroMed by coordinating with the fundraising team at HQ and regional level (philanthropy and institutional partnerships in particular) and with the delegations. More precisely, s/he co-leads the funding strategy in Migration in Europe/EuroMed and oversees/supports the development of funding requests/proposals for all scales of interventions (regional, transnational, national, local), contributing to ensure that they match the programmatic vision;
  • Establishes the operational budget of the programme at the regional level, ensuring that it is validated and on track;
  • Within the scope of his/her responsibilities, represents the programme within the Tdh regional team and Tdh staff in the countries of intervention, as well as through partnerships and contacts/collaboration with various external networks or bodies. Upholds the good reputation of Tdh as a leading organisation on migration in the region, recognized and sought by all stakeholders for its technical expertise;
  • Ensures compliance with the Theory of Change and the thematic policy of the programme and provides technical support to the teams for which s/he is directly or indirectly responsible, as well as those who collaborate in the development, operational implementation, monitoring, evaluation and capitalization of projects integrated into the Migration programme in Europe/EuroMed;
  • Coordinates the management and knowledge sharing of his/her area of ​​activity at the European level, including ensuring the accessibility and dissemination of institutional knowledge and personal knowledge in his/her field of expertise, internally and externally;
  • Supports the implementation of cross-cutting projects of the Protection Unit and the development of Tdh's expertise in the field of protection and development of children on the move and other children affected by migration/mobility;
  • Drafts the annual activity report of the Migration Programme for Europe/EuroMed and prepares or supervises the production of narrative and financial reports to donors financing the projects and actions of the Migration programme in Europe.

Application deadline is 25 January 2019.