BCN Newsletter June 2013

Better Care Network

In this edition, we highlight recent research, tools and policy briefs relevant to children's care, including:

  • A feature on UNICEF's State of the World's Children 2013 report, which focuses on children with disabilities.
  • A Special Focus on Reunification and Reintegration with two new Retrak documents on family reintegration for street connected children with learning from its programs in Ethiopia and Uganda, the first Campbell Systematic Review of interventions to promote reintegration, and an important report from NSPCC highlighting the challenges for children returning home from care in England.
  • A great short video from the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University on building the capabilities of adult caregivers and strengthening communities to improve outcomes for vulnerable children.
  • Policy recommendations from vulnerable children and young people who were consulted by Family for Every Child in 7 countries on their priorities for the post-2015 development framework, with important recommendations on their care.
  • Country Care Reviews that focus on children with disabilities, with the first Concluding Observations from the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

And of course, we have the latest news, upcoming events, conferences, webinars and job opportunities! Questions? You can reach us at Thank you for your continual subscription and partnership in promoting positive and appropriate alternative care options for children!