
List of Organisations

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List of Organisations

Susan Burke & Glen Schmidt,

An exploratory case study design was used to identify the needs of kinship caregivers in northern British Columbia (BC). 

Rhys Price-Robertson, Leah Bromfield and Alister Lamont - Australian Institute of Family Studies, Commonwealth of Australia,

This paper offers a broad overview of some of the main approaches to child protection used internationally. Using examples from Canada, Sweden, Belgium and the Gaza Strip, it offers policy-makers the chance to reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches, as well as how these examples might be used to inspire improvements within the Australian context.

Josephine Wouango, Daniel Turcotte,

Cet article porte sur l’analyse de trois configurations institutionnelles de la protection de l’enfance : celle en place au Burkina Faso, en Belgique et au Québec. Pour chaque configuration, le texte explore les transformations qui ont marqué le passage de la prise en charge exclusive de l’enfant par la famille vers la présence accrue de l’État et la manière dont la Convention internationale des droits de l’enfant de 1989 a influencé ce passage. 

Mark Courtney, Robert J. Flynn, Joël Beaupré,

This paper provides overview of the US and Canada in-care system, noting certain differences and similarities between the two systems. Estimates of the number of children in care in Canada and data on children in the US foster care systems is also provided.

Ingrid Hojer, Judy Sebba and Nikki Luke ,

This literature review by the Rees Centre for Research in Fostering and Education at the University of Oxford was undertaken to identify the ways in which carers’ children might be more effectively prepared and supported when their families are fostering.

Harriet Ward - Children and Youth Services Review Volume 33, Issue 12 - Young People's Transitions from Care to Adulthood,

This paper utilises findings from a longitudinal study of looked after children (including interviews with care leavers) to explore how the evidence from Canadian research into the significance of perceptions of self continuity for identity formation can improve our understanding of care leavers' experiences and the factors that may act as barriers to their making a smooth transition.

Neil Gilbert - Children and Youth Services Review,

A comparative analysis of child welfare systems in 10 countries identifies three broad functional orientations – child protection, family service and child development.

FrameWorks Institute,

This toolkit presents a compendium of research on how Albertans think about the issues of early childhood development, and how to increase public support for policies and programs that support healthy child development.

Chantal Quesney - Universite du Quebec a Montreal,

La Société d’adoption et de protection de l’enfance à Montréal fut, de 1937 à 1972,la plus importante agence de placement «hors murs» de la province. Pionnière dans le domaine au Québec, elle aura œuvré à l’implantation des conditions légales et minimales nécessaires à la désinstitutionnalisation adéquate des enfants sans famille. De fait, le passage du placement asilaire comme mode de protection privilégié à celui en foyer d’accueil ou d’adoption, soulève des enjeux juridiques nouveaux tout comme il appelle la mise en place de pratiques et de savoirs inédits. 

Child Welfare Outcomes - Elizabeth Fernandez and Richard P. Barth,

This book features individual empirical studies on the outcomes and progress made for children in foster care around the world.