Child Protection and Children Affected by AIDS: A Companion Paper to Framework for the Protection, Care and the Support of OVC


WHAT: This is the companion paper to the earlier Framework for the Protection, Care and the Support of Orphans and Vulnerable Children Living in a World with HIV and AIDSThe Framework provided an overview of the key government and community level strategies required to address the needs of orphans and other vulnerable children affected by HIV and AIDS.  This paper provides more detailed information on the provisions that should be in place in relation to the state social welfare sector, social protection, legal protection and justice, and alternative care.  It also addresses the need to combat the stigma of abuse and HIV and AIDS.

WHO: Policy makers and those in a position to influence policy in relation to child protection and children affected by AIDS.

WHERE: Global relevance. 

WHY: Provides a matrix outlining priority actions that governments and civil society actors should undertake in order to enhance the protection of all vulnerable children.  This is combined with a concise overview of the key government level strategies needed to help protect children from abandonment and abuse e.g. cash transfer programs, family support services, protection of inheritance rights, child registration, effective police and justice systems, as well as supporting and improving the informal and formal care system.  

NB:  This is a companion paper to the Framework for the Protection, Care and the Support of Orphans and Vulnerable Children Living in a World with HIV and AIDS , UNICEF, 2004.
