Changing Minds, Policies, and Lives: Improving Protection of Children in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: Gatekeeping Services for Vulnerable Children


WHAT:  A 2 part document containing a concept paper on strategies that divert children from institutional care into community based support programs, and a toolkit with practical resources for implementing improved gate keeping. 

WHO:  Policy makers, managers and social and community workers involved in child welfare services. 

WHERE:  While the concept paper and tools were written for use in the CEE/CIS region, the guidance contained draws on broader research into positive gate keeping policies and therefore has much broader application.  The tools will need to be adapted to suit the local context.

WHY:  It provides an overview of the key requirements for effectively supporting families to care for children and preventing the unnecessary institutionalization of children.  There is a comprehensive set of tools to support the development and implementation of gate keeping policies.

