Social Protection Policies and Programmes

Poverty affects both the quality and length of children’s lives, reduces the ability of families to adequately provide for their children, and is a significant cause of family breakdown and child separation. Social assistance programmes aim to reduce child poverty and act as a safety net for families with minimal resources.

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African Child Policy Forum,

Assessment of individual African government's performance in regards to child welfare.

Siobhan E. Laird - Journal of Social Work,

Using Ghana as an illustrative case study, this article examines the ideology and intentions which underpin the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper required for approval by the IMF and World Bank to qualify for debt relief under the Highly Indebted Poor Countries initiative. This article critically examines the functions assigned to governmental and non-governmental agencies within the social sector generally and the Department of Social Welfare specifically.

Anthony Hodges, UNICEF,

Assesses constraints and opportunities for social protection programming regionally with particular consideration for child sensitive social protection.

Examines the capacity of childcare institutions and the monitoring and reintegration meausures necessary to ensure child safety in such.

Terre des Hommes Foundation and UNICEF,

Evaluates the need for reform within Nepal's intercountry adoption programming and the broader needs within the child protection and alternative care arenas nationally.


Mapping of existing facilities caring for children in residential capacity for use in developing child protection standards


Outlines how to strengthen social protection, legal protection, and alternative care for children at country level. Contains specific actions that governments and NGO's can take to decrease the vulnerability of children affected by AIDS and respond to instances of abuse, exploitation and neglect.


Outlines how to strengthen social protection, legal protection, and alternative care for children at country level. Contains specific actions that governments and NGO's can take to decrease the vulnerability of children affected by AIDS and respond to instances of abuse, exploitation and neglect.


Outlines how to strengthen social protection, legal protection, and alternative care for children at country level. Contains specific actions that governments and NGO's can take to decrease the vulnerability of children affected by AIDS and respond to instances of abuse, exploitation and neglect.

Kara Greenblot,

Discusses the crucial need to address social vulnerability, in addition to economic vulnerability, when formulating social protection strategies