Sri Lanka

List of Organisations

Displaying 31 - 40 of 49

List of Organisations

The International Institute of Knowledge Management & The International Child and Youth Care Network (CYC Net),

The 1st International Conference on Residential Child and Youth Care in a Developing World: Caring to Notice! will be held on 23rd, 24th and 25th of February 2016 in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

ACCI Relief,

Kinnected is a program run in 10 countries by the organization ACCI Relief aimed at preserving and strengthening families and assisting children currently in residential care to achieve their right to be raised in a family. This report describes Kinnected’s programs and initiatives underway in Cambodia, Sri Lanka, and Lesotho and includes some individual case studies.

Eshantha Ariyadasa & Janet Mcintyre - Systemic Practice and Action Research,

This paper addresses the issue of human rights of vulnerable children in Sri Lanka in the wake of the civil war, global climatic change and economic recession.

Chamara Senaratna - International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care,

The purpose of this paper is to describe hitherto unexplored issues related to sexual abuse of left-behind children of migrant women in Sri Lanka.

MenCare Sri Lanka,

This moving short film (7 mins) produced by MenCare examines the circumstance of one man who found himself as the primary caregiver to his children when his female partner moved abroad for work.

Department of Probation and Child Care Services, Ministry of Women and Child Affairs,

The objective of this study was to provide basic information on the current situation of children under institutional care in the entire country of Sri Lanka, in order to identify the issues affecting those institutionalized children and to recommend plausible solutions.

Nathan Golon, GoodFight Media - MenCare Campaign,

This four-page publication describes World Vision and Promundo’s work in Sri Lanka in 2012-2013 as part of the MenCare campaign.

Nayomi Kannangara ,

This manual, produced by Save the Children in Sri Lanka, provides guidance on Family Group Conferencing (FGC), which was introduced to the governmental childcare structure in Sri Lanka's Southern Providnce between 2006-2008. The key objectives of

Nirekha De Silva and Asitha G. Punchihewa ,

This research on the institutionalization of children in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka was carried out by Save the Children with the support of the Department of Probation and Children Care Services and National Institute of Social Development.

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA),

L’objectif global de l’étude est d’améliorer les connaissances par rapport à la protection et aux droits des enfants placés en établissement au Sri Lanka, d’utiliser ces connaissances pour promouvoir des changements axés sur la recherche et de faciliter la mise en œuvre des pratiques exemplaires et des solutions de rechange convenables aux soins en établissement.