Families Together Parenting Curriculum

Changing the Way We Care

Families Together Parenting Curriculum

Families Together is a parenting curriculum for families who have a child reintegrating into the home. The program is an adapted version of the Skillful Parenting Programme, designed and delivered in Kenya by Investing in Children and their Societies (ICS).  Families Together is based on ICS’s Skillful Parenting Programme, adapted for use by families who have a child returning home after living elsewhere (such as a Charitable Children’s Institution), or are providing kinship care (such as caring for brothers or sisters, nieces or nephews, grandchildren) or are a foster carer. 

Both Skillful Parenting and the adapted Families Together start from the belief that the family provides children’s most important protection. It is within the family that children are taught morals and responsibilities that will guide them through life. Parents and caregivers play a key role in the physical, social and mental development of their children and are the first point of influence for the children. 

The home visit program is used by case workers who are supporting families to prepare for or who have already undergone reintegration. The home visit program focuses on key parenting messages that are delivered in eight modules. Each home visit session is designed to be delivered in a 45-minute session with primary caregiver and other family members. It is intended to be used together with the Families Together Flip Book. 

The Group Session Facilitation Guide has nine parenting sessions intended to be provided by skilled facilitators and delivered through parent peer groups of around 18-24 parents and caregivers.

  1. Families Together: Home Visiting Parenting Guide FlipBook
  2. Families Together: Home Visit Guide for Facilitators
  3. Families Together: Group Session Facilitation Guide