Residential Care

Residential care refers to any group living arrangement where children are looked after by paid staff in a specially designated facility. It covers a wide variety of settings ranging from emergency shelters and small group homes, to larger-scale institutions such as orphanages or children’s homes. As a general rule, residential care should only be provided on a temporary basis, for example while efforts are made to promote family reintegration or to identify family based care options for children. In some cases however, certain forms of residential care can operate as a longer-term care solution for children.

Displaying 631 - 640 of 1469

Molly Cannon, Camelia Gheorghe, Moldova country core team - MEASURE Evaluation, USAID,

This report presents the findings of an assessment workshop aimed at informing action planning to address priority needs identified in alternative care for children.

Zulfiya Charyeva, Hasmik Ghukasyan, Armenia country core team - MEASURE Evaluation, USAID,

This report, in Armenian, presents the findings of an assessment workshop aimed at bringing together key stakeholders—decision makers, policy developers, service providers, civil society representatives, and donors—to assess and identify the main care reform areas in which action is needed.

Global Detention Project,

This annual report from the Global Detention Project presents an overview of its efforts and achievements in exposing the practices and impacts of immigration detention 2017, including the detention of migrant children. 

Doncel ,

En este documento se presentan los principales resultados de una investigación se propuso conocer las dinámicas y trayectorias de transición del sistema de cuidados alternativos a la autonomía de los y las jóvenes que vivieron en instituciones de cuidado residencial de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Ministry of Cults and Religion, Kingdom of Cambodia,

This Wat Sangkahak Komar policy (or Child Safeguarding Policy) is part of the comprehensive mechanism within pagodas in Cambodia to respond to suspected and reported cases of violence against or abuse of children.

Molly Cannon, Camelia Gheorghe, Moldova country core team - MEASURE Evaluation, USAID,

This report, in the Moldovan lanugage, presents the findings of an assessment workshop aimed at informing action planning to address priority needs identified in alternative care for children in Moldova.

Mari Hickman, Bashiru Adams, Ghana country core team - MEASURE Evaluation, USAID,

This report presents the findings of an assessment of Ghana's national alternative care system aimed at supporting the government and its partners in continuing to advance alternative care.

Molly Cannon, Camelia Gheorghe, Moldova country core team - MEASURE Evaluation, USAID,

This report, in the Moldovan langauge, presents the findings of an assessment workshop aimed at informing action planning to address priority needs identified in alternative care for children in Moldova.

Masakazu Okada, Masaaki Otaga, Takako Tsutsui, Hisateru Tachimori, Shingo Kitamura, Shigekazu Higuchi, Kazuo Mishima - Plos One,

In this study, the authors sought to identify sleep habits and suspected sleep disorders among abused children and adolescents admitted to residential care facilities in Japan and to investigate their association with emotional and behavioral problems.

Molly Cannon, Camelia Gheorghe, Moldova country core team - MEASURE Evaluation, USAID,

This report presents the findings of an assessment workshop aimed at informing action planning to address priority needs identified in alternative care for children in Moldova.