Foster Care

The term “foster care” is used in a variety of ways, and, consequently, it often causes confusion and miscommunication. In the industrialized world it is generally used to refer to formal, temporary placements made by the State with families that are trained, monitored and compensated at some level. In many developing countries, however, fostering is kinship care or other placement with a family, the objective(s) of which may include the care of the child, the child’s access to education, and/or the child’s doing some type of work for the foster family.

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Susan Flynn - Social Work and Social Sciences Review,

Theoretically-informed focused commentary on the literature in this paper considers the position of children and young people as embedded within socio-ecological systems. The specific focus is on the educational disadvantage of children and young people susceptible to involvement from child protection and welfare services in the Republic of Ireland.

Katherine Monson, Helen Herrman, Kristen Moeller‐Saxone, Cathy Humphreys, Carol Harvey - Early Intervention in Psychiatry,

This substudy aimed to contribute to a larger study—the Ripple project—through exploring the experiences of practitioners working across child welfare and mental health services regarding collaboration in the care of young people; and to identify practices that might enhance collaborative work and improve mental health outcomes.

Changing Futures is a website for young people made by young people with experience of Tusla [child welfare] services in Ireland.

Această formare rapidă a fost concepută pentru a oferi informații familiilor de plasament (foster care) din Moldova în vederea pregătirii pentru plasamentul copiilor neînsoțiți și separați din Ucraina. Pachetul de formare include un PPT și un ghid al facilitatorului. Conținutul oferit în timpul programului de formare de șase ore include informații de bază despre traumele din copilărie, experiențele adverse din copilărie, elementele-cheie ale PFA, inclusiv "Privește, Ascultă și Leagă”, precum și înțelegerea modului în care se pot identifica și sprijini atât copiii care au trecut prin traume, cât și modul în care acestea se pot manifesta la diferite vârste și etape de dezvoltare.

Linda Verngren and Luong Quang Hung,

From a social work perspective, this literature review aims at guiding the development of foster care in Vietnam by discussing current research about foster care from different countries.

Martin James Foundation,

As part of phase one of the development of the Martin James Foundation's Asia Care Network, comprehensive studies of the care system in each country were conducted to highlight the need for developing alternative care systems across South-East Asia. This case study highlights relevant data from Singapore.

Martin James Foundation,

As part of phase one of the development of the Martin James Foundation's Asia Care Network, comprehensive studies of the care system in each country were conducted to highlight the need for developing alternative care systems across South-East Asia. This case study highlights relevant data from Hong Kong.

University of East Anglia,

This leaflet outlines six important principles for foster carers and adopters to hold in mind as they work together to help children to move to adoption.

Human Rights Campaign,

This page from the Human Rights Campaign provides a list of resources for child welfare professionals working with LGBTQ youth and families.

Martin James Foundation,

As part of phase one of the development of the Martin James Foundation's Asia Care Network, comprehensive studies of the care system in each country were conducted to highlight the need for developing alternative care systems across South-East Asia. This case study highlights relevant data from Vietnam.