Eastern Europe

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List of Organisations

Changing the Way We Care,

Foaia de parcurs pentru încetarea plasamentului copiilor din grupa de vârstă 0-6 ani în îngrijire rezidențială este un instrument care asigură toate componentele îngrijirii protectoare ale copilului: sănătate, alimentație adecvată, îngrijire, siguranță și educație timpurie, prin colaborarea intersectorială dintre Ministerul Muncii și Protecției Sociale, Ministerului Sănătății, Ministerul Educației și Cercetării și autoritățile administrației publice locale.

Changing the Way We Care,

This is a tool that ensures all components of child protective care: health, adequate nutrition, care, safety and early education, through the intersectoral collaboration between the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and Research and local public administration authorities.

Oksana Grytsenko, James MarsonFollow, Stephen Kalin,

KYIV, Ukraine—Valeria Sydorova walked toward the Russian border post, her nerves steeled by the proximity of her goal: to get home. The 17-year-old had wiped her phone of anything the Russians might find suspicious, had traveled solo for hundreds of miles and was now within touching distance of Ukraine.

The Coordination Center for Family Upbringing and Child Care Development,

On 26 April 2024 the International Dialogue on Better Care Reform was held in Kyiv as part of the International Summit of Ministers of Social Policy. The Government of Ukraine is currently working on establishing an International Advisory Group to serve as a platform for collaboration, guidance, and ongoing support to strengthen its child care and protection systems.

Anca Bejenaru, Sergiu Raiu, Mihai Iovu, Alina Negoesscu, Sorina Corman,

Adopting a qualitative approach, this study gave voice to seven adoption applicants in Romania who began the adoption journey with one or more children but did not complete the legal process. The goal of the researchers was to understand their experiences throughout the adoption process and disruption. The present study is part of a larger research project that focused on the resilience of the adoptive family in Romania.

Agence France-Presse,

In Russia's Belgorod region, near the Ukrainian border, children are being evacuated by train after regional authorities announced 9,000 minors would be moved to other regions. The move follows weeks of deadly bombardment from Kyiv in the region, repeatedly targeted since Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

Polina Nikolskaya and Mari Saito - Reuters,

A teenage orphan who became a posterchild for Moscow's deportation of Ukrainian children to Russia said he was instructed by officials to recite pro-Russian talking points for television cameras and threatened with a beating when he complained about conditions.

Changing the Way We Care,

This study analyzes statistical data on the institutionalization of children aged between 0-6 years; examines current practices of prevention, identification, assistance, referral, and placement in institutions and family based alternative care; evaluates the knowledge and attitudes of professionals and decision makers and outlines recommendations for the development and introduction of a moratorium on placing children aged between 0-6 years in residential care.

Ciprian Raul Romiţan - Scientia Moralitas Conference Proceedings,

In Romania, the right of adoptees to know their origins is enshrined in the Constitution and is regulated both in the Civil Code, adopted in 2011, and in special laws, which establish that adopted persons have the right to know their origins and their own past and, in this regard, are supported in their efforts to contact their natural parents or biological relatives.