
Displaying 1301 - 1310 of 4113

List of Organisations

Gerison Lansdown - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This paper examines the inter-relationship between the rights to protection and to participation that are embodied in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Samantha K Brooks, Rebecca K Webster, Louise E Smith, Lisa Woodland, Simon Wessely, Neil Greenberg, Gideon James Rubin - The Lancet,

The authors of this paper conducted a review of the psychological impact of quarantine, including the impact on children, using three electronic databases.

Hanita Kosher & Asher Ben-Arieh - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This article discusses the interaction between protection of maltreated children and their participation. Five aspects of child participation in the field of child maltreatment will be presented: children's participation in the definition of child maltreatment phenomena; children's participation in measuring the prevalence of child maltreatment; children's participation in clinical assessments; children's participation in in the decision-making process in child protection system; and children's participation in the efforts to prevent child maltreatment.

Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO),

The Accelerator Academy is a 2-year certificate program developed by the Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO) that combines in-person instruction, remote learning, and mentored practicum with some of the world's leaders in deinstitutionalization.

Helen Clark, Awa Marie Coll-Seck, et al - The Lancet Commissions,

This WHO–UNICEF–Lancet Commission lays the foundations for a new global movement for child health that addresses the two crises of climate change and predatory commercial exploitation, and presents high-level recommendations that position children at the centre of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

James Garbarino, Amy Governale, Danielle Nesi - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This article uses the framework of the CRC to review how the world has studied the involvement of child soldiers in armed conflict.

D. Russell, D. Higgins, A. Posso -Child Abuse & Neglect,

The authors of this paper systematically reviewed research on the nature of child sexual abuse interventions in developing countries, the settings and populations included to identify types of child sexual abuse prevention initiatives being implemented in developing countries and their effectiveness.

Rockefeller Foundation, Daniel Schwartz, and the Miracle Foundation,

This report provides an overview of a February 2020 meeting - hosted by the Rockefeller Foundation, Daniel Schwartz, and the Miracle Foundation - held in Bellagio, Italy focused on a cross sectoral ‘outside look in’ examination of the issue of children’s care.

Empowering People in Care (EPIC),

This Podcast series explores the experiences of people who grew up in the care system from all over the world. It is presented by a care-leaver Thomas Mongan and an Advocate Peter Lane.

Caring for Children Moving Alone MOOC Taskforce,

With the aim of improving provision of suitable care and the manner in which it is offered, the Caring for Children Moving Alone MOOC Taskforce (including BCN) has created a specialised Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). This MOOC aims to increase the knowledge and support improved practice of front line workers and others who make decisions about the care and best interest of children on the move every day.