South America

Displaying 71 - 80 of 326

List of Organisations

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

Este webinario presenta la nota técnica de protección de los niños contra la violencia, el abuso y la negligencia en casa.

Emmanuel Grupper, Shachar Shuman - FICE Israel,

FICE Israel decided to initiate a short survey to document and share information about the way different countries handled their policies and practices in residential care facilities during that period. This report presents findings and some conclusions from this primary survey.

World Vision,

This child-led research initiative was conducted under the umbrella of World Vision’s DEAR project (Development Education and Awareness Raising) and the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030. The study explores explore SDG 16.2, the goal that focuses on the issue of ‘abuse, exploitation, trafficking, and all forms of violence against and torture of children’.

Pamela Jiménez-Etcheverría & Jesús Palacios - Children and Youth Services Review,

The first aim of this study was to examine differences in the socio-emotional functioning of adopted and institution-reared children in Chile. The second aim of this study was to examine the influence of adoption related variables on the psychological adjustment of adopted children.

SOS Children's Villages,

"Latin America has been declared the new epicentre of the global COVID-19 pandemic," says this press release from SOS Children's Villages. "With weak healthcare systems, informal economies and high levels of inequality, the crisis presents an unprecedented challenge for struggling families. Children are especially vulnerable and their families risk collapsing."

ISSA - International Step by Step Association,

This webinar aspires to share examples of successful approaches for supporting the most vulnerable families and young children during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy, Belgium, Germany, and Ukraine.

Jennifer Bitterly - The Bogotá Post,

"As tensions and challenges from the nationwide quarantine increase, the usual channels that might pick up on abuse are not working," says this article from the Bogotá Post in Colombia.


El presente informe sistematiza la información recabada en encuentros virtuales realizados con adolescentes y jóvenes y con equipos del Sistema de promoción y protección de derechos desde el inicio del aislamiento.

Family for Every Child,

This first How We Care series presents the work of three Family for Every Child Members to help combat child sexual abuse in their regions.

Florencia Rodríguez y Andrés Segade - Doncel,

El presente informe sistematiza la información recabada en encuentros virtuales realizados con adolescentes y jóvenes y con equipos del Sistema de promoción y protección de derechos desde el inicio del aislamiento. Se pudo relevar información sobre el impacto social del aislamiento en contextos institucionales, las dificultades que enfrentan en el cumplimiento de las medidas de aislamiento y de las pautas de cuidado, así como también las buenas prácticas que están teniendo lugar en el marco del cuidado de niñas, niños, adolescentes y jóvenes (NNAJ) privados de cuidado parental.