South America

Displaying 111 - 120 of 326

List of Organisations

Ministry of Children and Adolescents and Ministry of Public Defense with the Supreme Court of Justice and the Office of the Public Prosecutor,

The purpose of this systematization report is to make available the information produced at the Summit in the final stage of the cross-sectional review of the child protection system in Paraguay, and to be a communication and planning tool at the service of the Government agencies that were part of this process.

Mara Silvia Pasian, Priscila Benitez, Carl Lacharité - Children and Youth Services Review,

Considering the importance of preventing and better understanding neglect, the present paper aims to describe and discuss similarities and differences among negligent families, comparing them to other families in terms of socioeconomic aspects and risk factors related to neglect.

Abel Saraiba & Carlos Trapani - Cecodap,

El presente estudio aborda la realidad del impacto de la migración forzosa en niños, niñas y adolescentes venezolanos.

Luciana Cassarino-Perez, Lívia Maria Bedin, Fabiane Schutz, Jorge Castellá Sarriera - Education in Out-of-Home Care,

This chapter from the book Education in Out-of-Home Care aims to (1) provide an overview of educational background and educational expectations of adolescents aging out of care in Brazil; (2) examine associations between educational background and extracurricular activity and placement characteristics; and (3) discuss the specificities of education in care for adolescents in Brazil as well as its similarities with other countries.

Larissa Morélia Sá Vieira Macêdo, Kalina Vanderlei Silva, Débora Maria dos Santos Pinheiro de Lima, Lygia Maria Pereira da Silva - Ecological Engagement,

This chapter’s aim is to report the experience of using Ecological Engagement in a research of interdisciplinary character developed with teenage girls, aged 10–14, inserted in two care institutions for protection measures in Pernambuco state, Brazil.

Edinete Maria Rosa, et al - Ecological Engagement,

The objective of the work described in this chapter was to know the daily routine of a shelter for children aged 0 to 6 located in Espírito Santo and understand the factors involved in the psychosocial development of children in foster care.

Aline Cardoso Siqueira & Débora Dalbosco Dell’Aglio - Ecological Engagement,

This chapter aims to present and discuss the theoretical–methodological procedure of ecological engagement, used in a research with five adolescents in family reunification.

Isabel De Bruin Cardoso, Lopa Bhattacharjee, Claire Cody, Joanna Wakia, Jade Tachie Menson & Maricruz Tabbia - Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies,

This article from the Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies journal presents lessons learned from a RISE Learning Network learning project focused on monitoring (M&E Learning Project) and aimed to generate understanding of approaches and tools that could effectively monitor children and families’ reintegration outcomes. The mid- and end-term reviews of the M&E Learning Project have captured lessons learned on how practitioners can approach monitoring of reintegration to mainstream it into their programme cycle.

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Committee on the Rights of the Child as part of their examinations of the most recent state reports.

Peñas S, Herrero-Fernández D, Merino L, Corral S, Martínez-Pampliega A - Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology,

In the present study, focused on Latin American migrant women, transnational ties are considered a protective factor of family functioning, conditioned by premigratory variables. The working hypothesis is that increased frequency of reunited mothers' communication with and remittances to their children during the period of separation prior to the reunion will be linked to better communication, cohesion, flexibility, satisfaction, and family resources, according to the reunited mothers' perception.